Text Me! - Free Texting, SMS and IM makes sending messages actually much more natural. Besides being an IM, it let’s you to send free Text Messages (SMS) to more than 40 countries. But to use it, you first need to convince your friends to download the application. Otherwise, it does not work, for obvious reasons, since it has its own functions that can only be accessed through the program. Text Me! screens are well organized and very beautiful, with colors well used and well contoured and modern designs. But if you do not like the look, you can choose another theme to decorate the interface. The sections are divided and clearly differentiated. The functions in the same way, are presented in a logical manner and represented on the screen with icons that let you know what each button does just looking at them. Because of this whole organization, to use the application becomes very obvious. You do not find problems in learning to use the Text me, even the first time. The operation of the program is stable and very fast. Messages are sent as soon as you press the button for it, without duplicating or cutting the texts. This tool works on Android and iPhone and is available for completely free.