One of the most commonly occurred incident that happens with those powerful Smartphone is try are running out of power. Isn’t it really irritating to loose battery power in the midst of any important work or vacation? Previously we have shared some Simple Tips To Make Sure That Your Android’s Battery Is Going To Last Long and Android applications like One-Touch Battery Saver, BatteryXL etc. Now I am bringing an Android application to maximize battery backup time. Battery Booster is a very complete application that helps you save battery life and also puts information about your gadget in the notification bar of your Android. So, you can manage longer of use and do not even have to unlock the gadget to check all information. Battery Booster is an essential app for anyone looking to save battery life without wasting so many time to be managing connections and screen brightness manually. Moreover, it also brings icons are at the top of the screen and help you to check data on the device even when the screen is locked. More to read.