If you are a power Windows user and use your PC for lots of purpose then you will surly need to use some applications each time. Launching a list of application every time you boot your PC may seem to be quite boring. Launching all those application with single click can be somehow a good solution for this. If you are familiar with Batch-File (.bat) and have some knowledge about Windows system, then you can perhaps be able to create a list of preferred application and batch open them from that .bat file. That could be a bad idea for regular users as it’s a bit hard. Now there’s an application called Windows 7 App Launcher which allows you to create application group as well as manage them with profile and batch open them from one click when needed. Windows 7 App Launcher is a simple batch launcher tool by which you can add some applications, files and open them at once. You can create multiple profile to use launcher with different need. More to read.