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Coaster Design: Build Your Own Roller Coaster Track By Drawing Finger [Android Game]

Coaster-Design-Build-Your-Own-Roller-Coaster-Track-By-Drawing-Finger-[Android-Game]-(3)Coaster Design is a puzzle game that puts you to solve puzzles in an amusement park. Your goal is to build the tracks of a roller coaster, causing the cart to pass by the places you want and get the diamonds scattered on the stage. You win if you can get all the items and make that passengers arrive safely to the flag that indicates the end of the challenge. Coaster Design is a game that mixes logic challenges with all the fun of a theme park. Your goal is to build roller coasters radicals allowing the cart to get all the diamonds scattered throughout the stage and reach the end of the scene intact. The gameplay is simple, and all the elements you use to draw the tracks of the toy are organized intuitively on the corners of the interface. In the early stages, in the style of an animated tutorial, the game shows dynamically how to use tools to solve the puzzles.

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