With the large volume of files available on the Internet for download and the rapidly increasing big-sized games, it is getting really common to get warnings of low disk space. The problem is that we do not know why or how we have exhausted the space, since we control very little of our own activities on PC. For you to take complete control of your hard drive and find out exactly which files and folders are taking up more space, you need to have a file checkup tool. JDiskReport is such a freeware software that will allow you to analyze hard disc files and show tree view, pie chart as well as top 50 files by size/date for Windows and Mac. Although JDiskReport is not as featured or quicker as our previously shared FilePro, OverDisk or SpaceSniffer, yet it can be alternative to those. Check the available disk space and size of files is a task that Windows simply does not. The highlight of JDiskReport is its ease of use. You can easily browse through the directories of your hard drives and see what information you want, simply by pointing and clicking. More to read.